Refresher FAQs

What is the Best Practices Refresher? 

You may receive the optional refresher course through email if your shopper stats fall below the thresholds outlined below. This can also be found in the Shopper Success Fundamentals article. The Shopper Best Practices Refresher has information that can help you improve areas of your business.

Why did I receive a refresher?

The Shopper Best Practices Refresher addresses two aspects of shopping: your average rating and on-time percentage for your last 50 orders. 

  • Average Rating
    If your average rating falls below a 4.7, you’ll learn pro-tips that you can use while shopping and delivering orders, uncover helpful methods to navigate difficult situations, avoid late deliveries, and provide the best customer experience!

  • On-Time %
    If your on-time percentage falls below 90%, you can learn helpful strategies that you can utilize while shopping and delivering orders to avoid late deliveries and improve your On-Time %.

  • Reliability %

    If your Reliability % falls below 90%, you can learn helpful strategies to plan your day and prevent the need to drop orders less than an hour before the start of the delivery window. 

I received the refresher, what do I do next?

If you receive the optional Shopper Best Practices Refresher, take a moment to read through the email. Consider taking the refresher immediately if time allows. If you’re in a rush, you may decide to set aside 15-20 minutes later that day to complete the refresher to ensure you don’t forget.

Do I have to complete the refresher?

Refresher courses are optional, however, keep in mind that Shipt expects all shoppers to maintain an Average Rating of 4.7, an On-Time % of 90%, and a Reliability % of 90% per our app access guidelines. Failure to do so may result in deactivation.

I've lost access to the shopper app, but I don’t think I received a refresher.

If you've lost access to the shopper app, first consider reviewing your email inbox for an email from Shipt HQ. Review the email you’ve received for information on whether you may be reactivated to the shopper app. 

*Note: Please email to inquire about the status of your shopper app. Shipt Support will be unable to provide details that may lead to reactivating your shopper app.

Last updated on October 8th, 2024

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